[THEATRHYTHM FINAL BAR LINE v1.0.0 TID=010024201834A000 BID=DB05AF6E93537CD6]
[№ 1. Inf. HP] 無限生命
[№ 2. 8x EXP] 八倍經驗
[№ 3. 5x Damage] 五倍傷害
[№ 4. 2.5x Increasing Rate of Summon Bar] 爆發計量表的上升率提昇250%
[№ 5. Item does not decrease] 物品使用後數量不減
[№ 6. Unlock Key does not decrease] 鑰匙使用後數量不減
[№ 7. AutoPlay (not suggest)] 自動按鍵 (不建議開啟)
[This set of cheats is created by Eiffel2018, enjoy!] 歡迎轉載並註明出處(本頁網址)